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IP명 low power VCO using dual transformer coupling
Category RF Application wireless transceiver
실설계면적 2.5㎛ X 2.5㎛ 공급 전압 1V
IP유형 Hard IP 동작속도 16GHz
검증단계 Silicon 참여공정 DB110-1402
IP개요 A design called Transformer Feedback voltage controlled oscillator or T F VCO was pursued for its potential for achieving good phase noise. In T F VCO, two LC tanks are used, where the active device is designed in unstable operation for easy oscillation startup. The two LC tanks act as two different functions. The first one is the input-LC-tank for coarse turning and the second is for fine tuning. It consists of two LC tanks where LD, LG and CVAR, formed a tuned input network and they act as the main tank for the oscillation.
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