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IP명 A Low-Power Point Cloud Clustering System with a DBSCAN Clustering Accelerator based on Cortex-M0
Category Digital Application Algorithm Accelerator
실설계면적 4㎛ X 4㎛ 공급 전압 1.1/1.8V
IP유형 Hard IP 동작속도 100MHz
검증단계 FPGA 참여공정 SF28-2402
IP개요 LiDAR point cloud clustering is a crucial part of object detection and recognition. However, clustering enormous point cloud of LiDAR assigns a large computation loads to autonomous robot with low-power core. In this paper, we propose a low-power point cloud clustering system with a density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) clustering algorithm based on Cortex-M0. For accelerating the clustering and alleviating the computational loads, the accelerator is embedded on system. To verify the feasibility of the accelerator, we implemented the point cloud clustering accelerator on a field programmable gate array (FPGA) with 2989 frames of Pixset dataset. The clustering speed is enhanced 7.5x compared HW accelerator design to SW design.
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