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IP명 A Fully Integrated 59 dB Gain Range Broadband CMOS Receiver Front-End with Constant OIP3 over Gain Reduction
Category RF Application RF Transceiver
실설계면적 2㎛ X 2㎛ 공급 전압 1.2, 2.5V
IP유형 Hard IP 동작속도 1M_1000MHz
검증단계 Silicon 참여공정 HM-2402
IP개요 A fully integrated 59 dB dynamic range CMOS receiver front-end with constant output-referred third-order intercept point (OIP3) over gain reduction is designed using a 65-nm CMOS process for IoT applications. For wideband input impedance matching in sub-GHz band, the differential output signal generated from the single-to-differential (S2D) converter is fed back into the input through the differential-to-single (D2S) buffer and feedback resistor. To implement the gain control with near constant output 1 dB compression point (OP1dB) and OIP3, it has two separate gain paths by placing two optimized S2D converters for low noise and high linearity respectively. When a very strong signal is received, the receiver front-end disables the feedback path and attenuates the input signal through pi-attenuator providing near constant impedance. The mixer is a type of highly linear current￾commutating passive mixer. In the simulation, the proposed receiver front-end shows an average conversion gain of 48.8 dB, double-sideband noise figure (NFDSB) of 3.3 dB, and OIP3 of +15.8 dBm at high gain mode over the operating frequency band. In addition, it achieves a gain range of about 59 dB with near constant OIP3. The power dissipation is 12.6 mW from a 1.2 V supply voltage.
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