제목 작성자 작성일 2800 A 28nm All-Digital Droop Detection and Mitigation Circuit 전동석 24.09.09 2799 CMOS를 활용한 다중 칩 MIMO 기반 테라헤르츠 빔포밍 양방향 송수신단 설계 이재성 24.09.09 2798 A Blocker-Tolerant Receiver Front End for 5G New Radio Cellular Applications 권구덕 24.09.09 2797 A 120GHz Fully Integrated Transceiver for Automotive Radar 김병성 24.09.09 2796 D-대역 무선 송수신을 위한 송신기 및 수신기 설계 서문교 24.09.09 2795 Efficient Sparsity-Aware AI Accelerator with FP8 Precision and LIF Activation 박정우 24.09.08 2794 Cost-efficient Graph Neural Network Accelerating System with Die-to-die Interc.. 정명수 24.09.08 2793 SAR ADCs with Energy-efficient Switching Methods 류승탁 24.09.08 2792 A 3.55mJ/frame Energy-efficient Mixed-Transformer based Semantic Segmentation .. 유회준 24.09.08 2791 Efficient Block-Floating-Point Computing-In-Memory Macro with Micro Exponents 김재준 24.09.08 2790 A MRAM-based SL(Source Line)-driven Compute in Memory Macro for AI Edge Device 이윤명 24.09.08 2789 Monolithic-3D (M3D) Tunnel FET (TFET) Synapse Nanoelectromechanical (NEM) Neur.. 최우영 24.09.08 2788 High performance CMOS Fully Integrated Analog Front End for Biopotential Signa.. 송한정 24.09.08 2787 Highly reliable MRAM sensing circuit and sense amplifier for physical unclonab.. 나태희 24.09.08 2786 eMRAM 공정 기반 Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) 및 난수발생기 회로 개발을.. 박종선 24.09.08 2785 Current-amplifying LDO for fast response 조성환 24.09.07 2784 Integrating Electronic and Photonic systems in FD-SOI CMOS Process 유경식 24.09.07 2783 A highly reliable embedded-STT-mRAM-based PUF with Energy-Efficient Auto-Write.. 정성욱 24.09.06 2782 GaN 기반 Capless Buck-boost converter for Automotive LED Matrix 노정진 24.09.06 2781 PAM-4 Transceiver 장영찬 24.09.06 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ▶ 140 통합 검색어