제목 작성자 작성일 2798 OAM/이중편파/빔포밍을 위한 이중편파제어 수신기 프론트엔드 구현 장태환 25.01.10 2797 60 GHz Dual-polarization MIMO Receiver with Crosspolarization Canceller in 65-.. 변철우 25.01.10 2796 Fully Digital Multi-Mode HDR CMOS Image Sensor 한건희 24.12.30 2795 14-channel Battery Monitoring IC AFE with HV MUX and Analog Level Shifter for .. 권경하 24.12.27 2794 A Fully Integrated 59 dB Gain Range Broadband CMOS Receiver Front-End with C.. 임동구 24.12.27 2793 Multi Temporal Interference Stimulation (Multi-TIS) Driver IC with High Preci.. 김종석 24.12.17 2792 Energy-Efficient Video Object Detection on Edge Security Devices with Computat.. 류성주 24.12.17 2791 Background Calibration을 적용한 고속 및 고해상도 Time-interleaved ADC 설계 및 .. 김진태 24.12.16 2790 10bit 600MS/s Three Comparator SAR ADC with FIA Amplifier 이민재 24.12.16 2789 A -51dBc-Reference-Spur, and 66fsrms-Jitter D-Band PLL with Complementary Powe.. 최재혁 24.12.13 2788 Low Voltage Swing AC-Coupled Transceiver with Level Shift Merged TIA-Termination 채주형 24.12.11 2787 미분기를 활용한 수신기 채주형 24.12.11 2786 12.8Gbps 크로스톡 및 심볼간간섭 보상 회로 권경하 24.12.09 2785 eDRAM에 적합한 Floating Point 16bit 기반의 MAC의 설계 김경기 24.12.09 2784 Revision of a Fully Implantable Wireless Network of Distributed Neural Interfa.. 송윤규 24.12.09 2783 A 4x Time-Interleaved SAR ADC with common-mode injecting skew-calibration 채형일 24.12.09 2782 High-Integration Neuron Circuits with Current-Scaling Integrators 김수연 24.12.09 2781 A Second-order Noise-shaping SAR ADC with 3-Level-Switching CDACs employing a .. 박상규 24.12.09 2780 A Ka-band Pseudo Doherty-Load Modulated Balanced Amplifier for advanced modula.. 전상근 24.12.09 2779 Fast Corrected Analog Duty Cycle Corrector for High-Speed Interface 송준영 24.12.09 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ▶ 140 통합 검색어