✨2022 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference(CICC) Review✨
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EDA Tool 소개
이번 소개되는 Tool은 링크글로벌21사에서 제공하는 Tool입니다. 많은 이용 부탁드립니다.
No. |
Tool |
Vendor |
기능 |
1 |
👉 Analyze RTL |
Blue Pearl Software |
Lowers Design Risk and improves Quality of Results (QoR) |
2 |
👉 Clock Domain Crossing |
Blue Pearl Software |
Analysis for CDC metastability |
3 |
👉 HDL Creator |
Blue Pearl Software |
Smart Editor for both RTL and test benches |
4 |
👉 SDC Generation |
Blue Pearl Software |
Reducing iterations in the flow (Timing closure faster & Minimizing design risk) |
🔹Tool명 클릭 시 소개자료 다운로드 가능

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